Hello everyone! Before I forget, only TWO WEEKS remain before the Silver Daze Kickstarter begins on March 14th! Please follow it, we have some great exclusive r...
-Repaired AOE loudness issue -Repairs to Card Binder count -Improved cutscene transitions We're still working hard! Expect a February report with some cool new...
It becomes increasingly difficult to do these reports as I finish more and more content, because the further we get into the game the more the new content becom...
PATCH NOTES: -Changes to EP costs on leveled cards -Added Color icon to enemies and allies in battle -Repaired Shiny Rates -Repaired playtime -Added secret ches...
PATCH NOTES: -Music Menu in Geo's Room now persists after closing menu -Repaired game over music bug -Changes to certain card names -Stability changes -Shop "Se...